Telegram is one of the most prominent online messaging applications. Apart from messaging, Telegram also features group messages, broadcasts, channels, audio calling, and video calling features. To ensure security, it provides an end-to-end encrypted secret chat feature. If you find that your message box is overflowing, you can delete your messages like any other device. Not only this, if you find that you have sent something wrong, Telegram also allows you to delete messages for both parties – for both the sender and the receiver. Naturally, a question arises – If you can delete messages, can you get your deleted messages back? The answer is YES! Telegram provides a feature to recover all your deleted chats! So, are you someone looking for a solution to restore your Telegram chat? Then this article is just for you. Keep reading to find a list of methods to help you recover them!
Method 1 – Quick Undo to Restore Deleted Telegram Messages
This method is pretty simple, and you will have probably tried this out. However, if you are looking for a detailed procedure, then this is the section that you are looking for. If you have already tried this out or deleted your message long before, keep reading the next possible methods.
Once you delete a message in Telegram, an Undo or Cancel button pops up. Click on the button immediately to reverse your action. However, you really need to act fast, as this option disappears in about 5 seconds. Also, there are two options while deleting a message – Delete for you and Delete for both the sender and recipient. If you choose the first option, you can ask your recipient to forward or resend the message back to you. You can even request the other party to send a screenshot of your message. If this does not work, check out the other methods given below –
Method 2 – Browsing the Cache For Deleted Messages
If you are using Telegram on an Android device, you can use this method to check for deleted messages. However, you can only recover recently deleted messages and not messages that were deleted before a long time. So, if you are using any other operating system, or if it has been too long since you deleted the message, then this method won’t work for you. You can keep reading the next methods given below. Here is the step-by-step procedure to look through your cache for deleted Telegram chats –
- Go to the File Manager or any similar application on your Android device (If you don’t have such an application, or if you find this too hard, you can even connect your device to a computer device and then check it out).
- Open your Internal Storage.
- Once in there, go to Android > data.
- Now, go to org.telegram or org.telegram.messenger (depends upon the type of your application).
- Move to the cache folder.
Once in there, you will find all your recently deleted chat and media files. You can just open them using the appropriate application. Remember that you can find only recently deleted files in this space. If you cannot find the file that you are looking for, or if you find this method difficult, go to the next possible method.
Method 3 – Recovering Media Files from Deleted Telegram Chats
As mentioned earlier, Telegram not only allows you to send messages but also several types of media files like images, videos, and audio files. When you delete your chat with someone on Telegram, all your text messages get erased, but your media files remain in your system. So, if you are looking for a method to restore your Telegram media files, then you can use this method. Here is what you have to do –
- Open the File Manager or any such application in your device.
- Locate and open the Telegram folder (It is probably in the Internal Storage of your device).
- Once in there, open what you want – Telegram Audio, Telegram Documents, Telegram Images, or Telegram Video. You will find your media file in its respective folder.
That’s it. You can go into the folder, open the file that you are looking for, move it to another location, or do anything you want with it. If you are looking for a method to bring back all your Telegram text messages, then keep reading to find the next possible method.
Method 4 – Restore Telegram Chat from Your Telegram Application
If you have failed in any of the above methods, then this method will probably help you out. Telegram supports a service, in which you can download all of your user data. In this method, we will be using this data to restore your Telegram chats. You must have an active Telegram account for this method to work. Here is how you do it –
- Open Telegram Messenger on any device.
- Log in to your account.
- Tap on the hamburger menu on the top of your screen (denote by three parallel lines).
- From the list of options displayed below, click on Settings.
- Click on Advanced Options.
- Now, select Export Telegram Data from your Advanced Options.
- Check the options to filter what data you want to recover. If you want to recover only personal chats, check only that option.
- Strike Export.
- For security reasons, Telegram asks for your permission. Click on Allow.
- After you allow, Telegram will send you a confirmation message stating that your request is accepted.
- Again, go to the Export Telegram Data Section. Click on Export button that is enabled.
- Telegram will start exporting your data now. Once completed, click on Show My Data.
- From the exported folder, open the file named export_results.html. The file will open up in your web browser.
You will see all of your Telegram data here. All messages that you have sent since you opened your Telegram account appear here. This includes all of your deleted messages. Just browse through the file and find your deleted chat!
Method 5 – Restore Telegram Chats With Third-Party Data Recovery Software
If you have tried all the methods mentioned above and still failed to recover your data, then you can go for these third-party data recovery software. These are just software programs that you install into your system. Once you install them, they scan your device for all deleted and lost data. From this, it lists out all the recoverable data items. From the list, you can select, preview and restore those media files that you want to recover.
Since you are giving your personal data to a third party, you need to select a trustable source. For this, you can go with EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard, one of the most trusted data recovery systems. To help you out, we have a few reviews and guides on using this software. Refer to our guide on EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard: Things You Want To Know and our Review on EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard.